Category Archives: Security Alerts

End of Year Checklist: Part 2 – Your Marketing

Make sure your website and marketing is ready for 2015 I recently did a presentation at one of the networking groups I am a member of.  Instead of talking about Your-Web-Guys and all the boring geek stuff we do, I figured it would be better for everyone if I gave some helpful information instead.  After creating...
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What you need to know about Heartbleed

Recently, a major security vulnerability named "Heartbleed" has made headlines around the world. This is a severe vulnerability stemming from a coding mistake in a widely-used security utility called OpenSSL. The bug affects the encryption technology designed to protect your sensitive data on the Internet, like usernames, passwords and emails. This is a flaw in the OpenSSL...
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What happened with GoDaddy?

So hundreds of thousands of websites went down a couple of weeks ago when GoDaddy took a big ol dump through its DNS servers.  Many of our clients (and possibly some of our newsletter subscribers and/or blog followers) have been wondering what exactly happened, how it can be prevented, and what the heck is a...
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